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Home    Fun Chinese    How does Chinese people think of the CEO of TikTok?

How does Chinese people think of the CEO of TikTok?

In recent years, the popular social media app TikTok has taken the world by storm. Its success can be attributed, in part, to its CEO, Shou Zi Chew, a Chinese entrepreneur who founded the company. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how Chinese people view Shou Zi Chew. Additionally, we'll introduce a popular Chinese slang term that is often used to describe a specific type of person.


This week, TikTok's CEO, Shou Zi Chew, attended the congressional hearing in the United States, and not only was everyone interested in the progress of the hearing, but there was also something else that caused a wide discussion - Chew's handsome appearance! Standing in the eye of the storm, Chew undoubtedly received the most attention, and many people found his calm demeanor in the hearing impressive, combined with his good looks and charming personality, which led many to believe he was quite attractive. As a result, there were a lot of people making video edits on TikTok about Shou Zi Chew.





Here, we can learn a very popular Chinese slang term "颜控" (yán kòng), which refers to people who are particularly attracted to someone's appearance, especially their face.



    yán kòng

      颜  控



A person who is obsessed with good-looking people and believes that beauty can give one a head start in life. They might have a conscious or unconscious bias against plain-looking people.




Wǒ de péng you shì ge yán kòng, zhǐ yào zhǎng de hǎo kàn, tā jiù huì xǐ huān shang tā。


My friend is a "yan kong," he will like any girl who is good looking.



Wǒ cóng lái bú shì yī ge yán kòng, wǒ gèng kàn zhòng yī ge rén de nèi zài pǐn zhì。


I've never been a "yan kong," I care more about a person's inner qualities.



Yán kòng de xiāo fèi zhě róng yì bèi jīng měi de bāo zhuāng xī yǐn。


The consumers who are obsessed with appearance are easily attracted by the exquisite product packaging.



Yán kòng de guàn zhòng men jīng cháng duì nà xiē méi yǒu wài mào yōu shì de yǎn yuán jìn xíng biǎn dī hé gōng jī, zhè shì bú dào dé de xíng wéi。


"Yan kong" audiences often degrade and attack actors who do not have a good appearance, which is unethical behavior.





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Mandarin Mates is a Chinese language school based in Hangzhou, providing Chinese learning services and community activities to local expats. Different from most of the local mandarin schools, Mandarin Mates aims to build a Tight-knit and homely atmosphere community for the local expats. By providing fun and interactive Chinese classes and exciting activities, we help expats to jump out of the "foreigner bubble", integrate into Chinese life, and make China your second home! Fun learning, fun living!



Mandarin Mates是一家坐标杭州,专业、标新立异的汉语学校。我们拥有一个国际化思维的团队,教师都累积了3000个小时以上的实际教学经验,且大多数都有在西班牙、澳大利亚、泰国、法国、加拿大等国居住、工作、学习的经历。除了中国籍员工,我们也有一支优秀的外国实习生团队为我们保驾护航!





Mandarin Mates is a Chinese language school based in Hangzhou, providing Chinese learning services and community activities to local expats. 


Different from most of the local mandarin schools, Mandarin Mates aims to build a Tight-knit and homely atmosphere community for the local expats. By providing fun and interactive Chinese classes and exciting activities, we help expats to jump out of the "foreigner bubble", integrate into Chinese life, and make China your second home! Fun learning, fun living!

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