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Event Recap丨MMMixer 5.0

Looking to help expats in China make more Chinese friends and practice their language skills, a unique event has been organized that blends socializing, gaming, and drinking. This mixer event promises to be an exciting opportunity for expats in Hangzhou to engage in a fun-filled activity while also enhancing their Chinese language proficiency. Click and check how it went!



Great drinks, networking and a special Chinese class given by all the  中国朋友 (Chinese mates)! Thanks all our lovely MMMixer attendees for coming out and making our event a blast once again ! 

精酿啤酒,认识可爱的外国朋友,还有试着教外国宝宝们说中文,过了把当汉语老师的瘾!很开心和大家度过了精彩又愉快的一晚,非常感谢大家参加我们的新一期的快闪活动 !


Check out the event gallery & see you all at future events! 





Mandarin Mates Mixer · 快闪中文


Wade's Bar&Grill(Wensan), Hangzhou


MMMixer brilliant stories

“Mixer故事夜”精彩故事集锦 :

滑动查看手写版  Swipe to see the handwriting 


滑动查看手写版  Swipe to see the handwriting 


滑动查看手写版  Swipe to see the handwriting  ➡


滑动查看手写版  Swipe to see the handwriting  ➡


Maybe you are a little shy and blush when talking in Chinese outside of the classroom. It doesn't matter! The slogan of Mandarin Mates is "Learning without Boundaries". MM teachers will help you to practice and socialize with Chinese people you meet every day. 


可能你只有在课上和你的老师说汉语,而一出了教室和中国人说话就害羞和脸红...没关系! 在 Mandarin Mates,我们的口号是“Learning without Boundaries” ! MM的老师帮你勇敢迈出和中国人社交第一步!


Whether you are a Chinese beginner or can already speak fluent Chinese, the activities of Mandarin Mates are always open to ALL our mates!


无论你是初学者或是能讲一口流利地道的汉语,小熊猫的活动都会为你敞开大门!同时,我们也欢迎中国朋友常来参加,正是你们,使活动更加精彩! ❤️



Fun learning, Fun living! And next time... where would YOU like to practice Chinese? Want to be part of our tight-knit community? Scan the QR code below and join us!


下一次,你想在哪里和我们一起练习汉语或者一起玩儿?想成为我们Mandarin Mates大家族的一部分吗?扫描二维码加入我们吧!





 Mandarin Mates Chinese course  





Mandarin Mates is a Chinese language school based in Hangzhou, providing Chinese learning services and community activities to local expats. 


Different from most of the local mandarin schools, Mandarin Mates aims to build a Tight-knit and homely atmosphere community for the local expats. By providing fun and interactive Chinese classes and exciting activities, we help expats to jump out of the "foreigner bubble", integrate into Chinese life, and make China your second home! Fun learning, fun living!

Our Chinese Course