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Home    Chinese Reading Material    Top 6 Gift Ideas: What Do Chinese People Buy to Celebrate Mother's Day?

Top 6 Gift Ideas: What Do Chinese People Buy to Celebrate Mother's Day?

In China, Mother's Day is more of a commercial holiday, with many people buying gifts for their mothers or taking them out for a meal. Popular gift choices include flowers, chocolates, and skincare products. Regardless of which holiday is being celebrated, the idea of honoring and showing gratitude to mothers is an important part of Chinese culture.

mǔ qīn jié 



Mother's Day


Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated annually to honor and appreciate mothers and motherhood. The holiday has its roots in the United States and is typically observed on the second Sunday in May. However, it is not a public holiday in China, and the traditions of the holiday are not as strong as they are in some Western countries.


In China, Mother's Day is more of a commercial holiday, with many people buying gifts for their mothers or taking them out for a meal. Popular gift choices include flowers, chocolates, and skincare products.


It's worth noting that there is also a traditional Chinese holiday called "Mother's Festival," which falls on the third day of the third lunar month. This holiday has been celebrated in China for over 2,500 years and is a time to show appreciation for mothers and to honor the goddess of childbirth, Mazu.


Regardless of which holiday is being celebrated, the idea of honoring and showing gratitude to mothers is an important part of Chinese culture. Many Chinese people view their mothers as being incredibly important figures in their lives, and they seek to express this through the gifts and gestures they give on Mother's Day.


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与许多其他国家一样,中国的母亲节在五月的第二个星期日庆祝。然而,它在中国不是公共假期,假期的传统并不像一些西方国家那样浓厚。 在中国,母亲节更多的是一个商业节日,很多人给母亲买礼物或者带他们出去吃顿饭。受欢迎的礼物选择包括鲜花、巧克力和护肤品。


值得注意的是,农历三月初三还有一个中国传统节日叫“母亲节”。这个节日在中国已有 2500 多年的历史,是表达对母亲的感激之情和纪念分娩女神妈祖的时刻。




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mǔ qīn jié kuài lè


Happy Mother's Day!



* In Chinese context, "母亲 mǔ qīn" is a more formal and respectful way to address one's mother, while "妈妈 mā ma" is a more casual and affectionate way to address one's mother. "母亲 mǔ qīn" is often used in formal situations or written materials, while "妈妈 mā ma" is used more in daily conversation.





kāng nǎi xīn





One of the most representative Mother's Day gift is Carnation. The origin of giving carnations on Mother's Day dates back to the early 20th century when Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mother's Day in the United States, began promoting the use of white carnations as a symbol of the holiday. She chose carnations because they were her mother's favorite flower and also because they represented purity, sweetness, and the endurance of a mother's love. As the holiday spread around the world, the tradition of giving carnations as a gift to mothers became popular and continues to be a popular tradition to this day.


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kāng nǎi xīn





Kāng nǎi xīn shì mǔ qīn jié zuì jù dài biǎo xìng de lǐ wù zhī yī 。zài mǔ qīn jié zèng sòng kāng nǎi xīn de qǐ yuán kě yǐ zhuī sù dào 20 shì jì chū,dāng shí měi guó mǔ qīn jié de chuàng shǐ rén ān nà · jiǎ wéi sī kāi shǐ tuī guǎng shǐ yòng bái sè kāng nǎi xīn zuò wéi jié rì de xiàng zhēng 。tā xuǎn zé kāng nǎi xīn shì yīn wèi tā men shì tā mǔ qīn zuì xǐ huān de huā , yě yīn wèi tā men dài biǎo zhe chún jié 、 tián mì hé cháng jiǔ de mǔ ài 。suí zhe zhè gè jié rì zài shì jiè gè dì de chuán bō , sòng gěi mǔ qīn kāng nǎi xīn zuò wéi lǐ wù de chuán tǒng biàn de liú xíng qǐ lái , bìng yī zhí yán xù dào jīn tiān 。




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On this day, besides giving mothers carnations, there are also many other options:



àn mó yí






pào jiǎo tǒng


Foot bath tub



zhū bǎo shǒu shì






hù fū pǐn


Skincare products





huà zhuāng pǐn





Or just the company of children.❤️


What gift would you give your mom on this day? Or what gift would you like to receive?


Any other unique gift ideas on Mother's Day?

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