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Home    Fun Chinese    Mastering Diplomatic Responses: How to Say "None of Your Business" in Chinese

Mastering Diplomatic Responses: How to Say "None of Your Business" in Chinese

Are you curious about how to politely deflect prying questions and maintain your privacy in Chinese? In this article, we will delve into the art of gracefully expressing "None of Your Business" in Chinese. Discover the phrases and strategies to navigate sensitive inquiries while maintaining cultural etiquette. Whether you're engaging in conversations or simply want to be prepared, these linguistic tools will help you handle delicate situations with finesse.

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【Wow Mandarin】shares words/expressions that help you impress the Chinese around you and make you the coolest among your friends. This column introduces short expressions and phrases that can be used without a long and complicated sentence. Despite your level, you can always "Wow" the Chinese when you chat with them fluently.


Let's start !





You have definitely been asked questions about your privacy and surely don't want to bother preparbig a T-shirt to answer. In today's Survival Wow Mandarin, you can learn how to say: "That's irrelevant." Read on to learn how you can fight back against those questions. 



In a situation when you purely want to tell someone not to get involved with a good heart, and you have no negative emotions, you can say:


(这件事)和 somebody/something 没关系。

zhè jiàn shì hé somebody/something méi guān xi。

It has nothing to do with _______.




Kuma: Jamin,这周六你不能来我家是因为要和Mia一起出去玩吗 

(Jamin,zhè zhōu liù nǐ bù néng lái wǒ jiā shì yīn wéi yào hé Mia yī qǐ chū qù wán ma ?)

Kuma: Jamin, are you gonna hang out with Mia this Saturday just so you don't have to come to my place?


Jamin: 不是,和Mia没关系。我们的狗生病了,这周六我妈妈让我带狗去医院。 

(bú shì ,hé Mia méi guān xi 。wǒ men de gǒu shēng bìng le ,zhè zhōu liù wǒ mā ma ràng wǒ dài gǒu qù yī yuàn 。)

Jamin: Oh no, it has nothing to do with Mia. Our dog is sick and my mom asked me to take the dog to the hospital this Saturday.




In case you are a bit of offended or unhappy but you want to save everyone's 面子miàn zi(reputation), you can say: 


和 somebody 有关系吗?

hé somebody yǒu guān xi ma?



zhè jiàn shì hé somebody/something yǒu shén me guān xi?


This is a rhetorical question and literately it means:

It has no relationship with __________.





(xué shēng:Jamin lǎo shī ,duì bú qǐ ,wǒ méi yǒu zuò zuò yè ,shì wǒ jiā de māo bù hǎo !)

Student: Teacher Jamin, I‘m sorry I didn't do the homework and it is my cat's fault!


Jamin: 你没有做作业和猫有什么关系? 😏

(nǐ méi yǒu zuò zuò yè hé māo yǒu shí me guān xì ?)

Jamin: How is that a cat's matter? (threatening smile) 




Finally if someone really pisses you off and you'd like to shout out "None of your fxxxing business!", here you go:


关 你 屁 事!

guān nǐ pì shì!

Short and sweet, right? 😉

And similarly, 


关 我 屁 事

guān wǒ pì shì 

What's that have to do with me?

Here 屁 means "fart" so the sentence is a bit unelegant; the alternative is: 

关你什么事!and 关我什么事!


关你什么事!and  关我什么事!

guān nǐ shén me shì    guān wǒ shén me shì 





(when Mia posts a pretty selfie)



(wǎng yǒu :nǐ shì bú shì pàng le a ,liǎn zěn me zhè me dà ?)

a stupid netizen:Are you getting fat? Why is your face so big?



(guān nǐ pì shì!)

Mia: It's none of your fxxking business



To be continued...


Want to learn more useful(cheeky) answers to protect yourself from other's curiosity? 😈


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Mandarin Mates is a Chinese language school based in Hangzhou, providing Chinese learning services and community activities to local expats. Different from most of the local mandarin schools, Mandarin Mates aims to build a Tight-knit and homely atmosphere community for the local expats. By providing fun and interactive Chinese classes and exciting activities, we help expats to jump out of the "foreigner bubble", integrate into Chinese life, and make China your second home! Fun learning, fun living!


Mandarin Mates是一家坐标杭州,专业、标新立异的汉语学校。我们拥有一个国际化思维的团队,教师都累积了3000个小时以上的实际教学经验,且大多数都有在西班牙、澳大利亚、泰国、法国、加拿大等国居住、工作、学习的经历。除了中国籍员工,我们也有一支优秀的外国实习生团队为我们保驾护航!






Mandarin Mates is a Chinese language school based in Hangzhou, providing Chinese learning services and community activities to local expats. 


Different from most of the local mandarin schools, Mandarin Mates aims to build a Tight-knit and homely atmosphere community for the local expats. By providing fun and interactive Chinese classes and exciting activities, we help expats to jump out of the "foreigner bubble", integrate into Chinese life, and make China your second home! Fun learning, fun living!

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