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Home    Life In China    Getting a Driving License in Hangzhou(Updated in 2024)外籍人士考取中国驾照

Getting a Driving License in Hangzhou(Updated in 2024)外籍人士考取中国驾照

Navigating the process of obtaining a driving license in Hangzhou has been subject to changes and updates in 2024. As an essential guide for both local residents and expatriates, this article aims to provide the latest insights into the requirements, procedures, and any recent modifications related to acquiring a driving license in Hangzhou.

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Recently many students have asked us how to get a driving license in Hangzhou. So Mandarin Mates has a handy guide to help you through the whole process.


Let's get you licensed to drive! 

*Note: This article is written in November 2023. Please double check the information if you're reading it in the far future.


Are you eligible for a Chinese Driving License?


If you hold a driving license in your mother country, it is much easier for you to get a license in China. However, if you don't hold a driving license issued back home, you will have to take all the exams and tests a Chinese learner needs to get the license—including registering in a Chinese driving school and being guided by coaches who only speak Chinese, not to mention that there are requirements on total practicing hours and a long queue for exam appointments. 


Today we are focusing on those who are already licensed in their home countries!



What do you need to know about the exam?


First, you must pass the 科目一 (Subject One Exam) which is about traffic rules. Passing this will be enough to get the C1 license. C1 license is what's known as a regular license, with which you can legally drive most cars (manual / automatic), sedans, SUVs, and small vans.



There are 100 questions in the Subject One Exam: all multiple choice! It is a computer-based exam with a time cap of 45 mins; however, it usually takes less time to complete. The pass threshold is 90/100 points. You have 2 chances to take the test on a single day. If you fail twice in one day, then you must come back another day.


Is the test in Chinese? Luckily, you can take the test in English as well as many other major foreign languages: French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, etc..! However, we strongly suggest you take the exam in English instead of your mother tongue because currently all the practice tools are in English.


There are practice tools? Yes! Before you even think about taking the test, practice on the following mini app until you can achieve 90+ points on every practice exam.



What documents do you need for the driving license? 


⬇ Here is what you need for examination:

  • Passport

  • Visa or residence permit that is valid at least for more than 3 months

  • Residence registration with local police

  • Original driving license that has not expired

  • Translation of the driving license

  • One-inch passport photo, white background x 3

  • Physical Examination Report


The other necessity that should be prepared in advance is the translation of the original driving license. The Hangzhou Department of Vehicle Management has a list of certified translation service providers. Mandarin Mates will connect you to one of these services, then you’ll take clear photos of the original driving license and send it to them over WeChat. In addition, if your original license does not specify the class of the vehicle you are permitted to drive, you must show the translator an official web page from the country of origin to explain your type of license. The translation providers will take care of the rest. The translated copy will usually be delivered the next day.



One particular issue related to the license translation is the name. On a Chinese driving license, there is no English. The driver’s name must be in Chinese, and only up to three characters. If you have specific preferences, get help from your Chinese friends (or us 😊), decide what characters to be used, and tell the translation company in advance. These characters should related to the pronunciation of your foreign name. If your name is David, your Chinese driver’s license name should be something like 大卫 even though you might have already chosen 长绿龙 as your true Chinese alter ego. Here are some examples of unacceptable Chinese names.




For the health check, you can visit this place👇 and get one for the driving license.  




(河坊街33号 )


Normally, Physical Examination consists of the following items:


a. Body Height: tell the examiner your body height.

b. Eyesight Test: don't forget to bring your glasses or wear contacts.

c. Listening Test: put on the headphones and keep pressing the button until the sound finishes, repeat 4 or 5 times.

d. Color Blindness Test



Before the exam, what else do you need to do?



Once you get all the documents done, there are still two essential steps to follow:


Firstly, during the weekdays between 9 am to 12 pm or 1:30 pm to 5 pm, head to the location below to submit all required documents. The staff will review your materials and issue a certificate, permitting you to participate in the exam.






Secondly, download the mobile app "交管12123". After registration, you can conveniently schedule and register for the exam. The app provides various locations and time slots for the exam. So you can choose the one that suits you best!







On D-day


Don’t forget to bring your passport to the exam! After the exam, you will know the result immediately. So once you finished the exam, don’t leave right way. Go to counter and the staff will help you register and give you the driving license!






Q: I'm from the UK/Australia/Japan/Mars, am I eligible to get a driving license this way?

A:Yes, no problem!



Q: Can I drive a motorcycle with C1 license?

A: Sorry, you will need to apply for a motorbike license. Similar procedure but the 科目一 is totally different.



Q: Are there any restrictions on the origional driving license?

A: Yes. If you only have a certain practice/intern driving license (such as G2 issued by certain countries), you may not be able to get the Chinese driving license. For details, ask the staff. In addition, China acknowledges most countries' driving licenses but not all. If you are not sure, you should ask first. China does not accept the IDP (International Driver's Permit). 


Q: Regarding my Chinese name, can I choose a character with the same pronounciation other than the choice picked by the translator?

A: Yes, you can. For example, if your name is 大卫, you can also choose 大胃 instead. Just let the translator know and the chosen name will be displayed on the translation copy.



One more issue...


Although the Chinese vehicles are no different from those in the rest of the world, except Great Britain and her left-side driving colonized lands, the driving habits could be quite different. Basically, Chinese drivers can be quite rude impatient and cutting in the line is common. Therefore, from a safety perspective, we recommend practicing in a familiar environment accompanied by Chinese friends before driving independently. We do not offer driving lessons, but our teachers are well-versed in elegant colloquial Chinese road rage and love to share.


Please inquire for details. Share this article with your driving friends and graduate from your e-bike life.



Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Mandarin Mates! 







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Mandarin Mates is a Chinese language school based in Hangzhou, providing Chinese learning services and community activities to local expats. Different from most of the local mandarin schools, Mandarin Mates aims to build a Tight-knit and homely atmosphere community for the local expats. By providing fun and interactive Chinese classes and exciting activities, we help expats to jump out of the "foreigner bubble", integrate into Chinese life, and make China your second home! Fun learning, fun living!


Mandarin Mates是一家坐标杭州,专业的汉语学校。我们拥有一个国际化思维的团队,教师都累积了3000个小时以上的实际教学经验,且大多数都有在西班牙、澳大利亚、泰国、法国、加拿大等国居住、工作、学习的经历。除了中国籍员工,我们也有一支优秀的外国实习生团队为我们保驾护航!




Mandarin Mates is a Chinese language school based in Hangzhou, providing Chinese learning services and community activities to local expats. 


Different from most of the local mandarin schools, Mandarin Mates aims to build a Tight-knit and homely atmosphere community for the local expats. By providing fun and interactive Chinese classes and exciting activities, we help expats to jump out of the "foreigner bubble", integrate into Chinese life, and make China your second home! Fun learning, fun living!

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