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Level Test

Hi, this is Mandarin Mates Chinese level test. Do you want to know your Chinese level? Please finish the questions below and we will give you back the result after a few days! You could skip the questions if you don't know the answer. If you haven't learned Chinese before, you don't need to complete this test, please contact us directly.

Your email: *

1. 你好,你叫什么名字?nǐ hǎo, nǐ jiào shén me míng zì?

2. 你是哪国人? nǐ shì nǎ guó rén?

3. 今天,那里的天气怎么样?jīn tiān, nà lǐ de tiān qì zěn me yàng *


4. 现在,你的国家几点?xiàn zài, nǐ de guó jiā jǐ diǎn ?

5. 你工作了吗?nǐ gōng zuò le ma? *


6. 你每天几点起床?nǐ měi tiān jǐ diǎn qǐ chuáng?

7. 周末,你经常做什么?zhōu mò, nǐ jīng cháng zuò shén me?

8. 在家的时候,你喜欢做什么?zài jiā de shí hòu, nǐ xǐ huān zuò shén me?

9. 你来过中国吗?nǐ lái guò zhōng guó ma? *


10. 你喜欢中国菜吗?nǐ xǐ huān zhōng guó cài ma? *


11. 你有中国朋友吗?nǐ yǒu méi yǒu zhōng guó péng yǒu ma? *


12. Read and answer the questions below.


1) 大卫家一共有几口人?

2) 大卫有没有弟弟?

3) 大卫的妈妈周末喜欢做什么?

4) 大卫的妈妈工作忙吗?

5) 大卫的爸爸做什么工作?
